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YES! I want to sponsor, perform, be a non-profit vendor or volunteer at the Refugees & Immigrants Festival event 2024
Please use this form if you are a vendor, performer, sponsor, or volunteer interested in providing donations of time, supplies, demonstrations, performances, or other goods to support the Refugee & Immigrant Festival .
There is NO FEE to host a table for this event.
All applicants will be reviewed and approved based on space and relevance.
All Remaining Categories are requested to be Event Sponsors( to provide monetary or in-kind donations to support this event).
Please complete this form, and write down the sponsorship level of your choice.
Sponsor levels: $5,000, $1,000, $250. 1 table +2 Chairs will be Provided.
Payment by check Information
CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Wide World for Refugee (Memo TR425-Refugee and Immigrant Festival) mailed to 13707 8th AVE E Tacoma, WA 98445
Please Email Tshishiku Henry:
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